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Dipti Adhia, Discover the World #RiseLikeAPhoenix

It’s not always about change. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.

Born in Goa and bought up in Mumbai, Dipti Adhia, Director – India, Discover the World has been working with the same travel company since 2006. With a strong passion in event management, Dipti did a 3-month crash course in tourism and got placed with American Express in 2003.

After a year in business travel, she moved to JTB Travels to explore leisure travel segment. However, it was at Discover the World in 2006 that she found her real passion for travel. She said, “From travel, hospitality to self-drives and cruises, there was a wide world of opportunities and things to learn about. The best part – my passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist – and I did a fist-bumped with life.”

While Dipti has been learning since day one with multiple role changes and experiencing great satisfaction by following her passion, the world thinks she is stuck in one place. She explained saying “People think I’m stuck in a comfort zone and blocking my growth. But not everyone knows there is always something new in my job that keeps me on my toes. In fact, when I started back in 2006 I was a pure desk person. And since my job required me to network with people, I’ve evolved from an introvert to now a people’s person. The change was challenging and difficult but I knew I had to grow as a person and my passion for work helped me a lot.”

Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless. She said, “Don’t misunderstand my passion as my comfort zone. I’m constantly evolving as a person but my passion remains the same. It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.”

Started off as Sales Executive in 2006, today Dipti heads the India division for the global travel representation company.

The changes we dread most may contain our salvation. So always look for change but don’t let your passion go out of focus. It is one thing experience can’t teach, it is that one thing that will help you #RiseLikeAPhoenix even during challenging times.
